Mamta's Kitchen

Mango Milk Shake

Aam Doodh

Mamta Gupta


Mango milk shake is a popular and refreshing drink in India during summer season, when mangoes are plentiful. You can make it out of season too, using tinned or frozen mango, but that is too sweet for me. I do not add sugar when sing fresh mangoes either, but if you can, if you need to. It is very, very easy to make. Makes 2-3 glasses.

Edited May 2023


  • 1 cup mango pulp

  • 2 cups cold, full cream milk (you can use non-dairy milk, if you need to)

  • 1 cup vanilla ice-cream* (you can use non-dairy ice-cream, if you need to)

  • A few, 5-6, strands of saffron

  • Optional : You can add blanched and shredded pistachios as a garnish)

  • *Vanilla ice-cream is not a must, you can omit it, adding 1 cup more milk instead.


  1. Wash, peel and chop mangoes, discarding the stones.

  2. Place mango pulp, milk and saffron in a blender and blend for a few seconds, until it becomes smooth.

  3. Taste and add sugar, only if you need to. Some mangoes are sweet enough.

  4. Place 2-3 ice-cubes in each glass (tall glasses look nicer) and pour the milkshake over the cubes.

  5. Garnish with a few strands of saffron or/and shredded pistachios

  6. Serve immediately with a straw.


  • In India, mangoes are traditionally soaked in a bucket/bowl of cold water for a few hours. This is said to wash off the rather unpleasant sap at the stalk end.

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