Mamta's Kitchen

Mungrae/Mogri/Mungre/Moongre (Green Radish Seed Pods) Bhaji/Sabji

Moongre ki Sookhi Subji

Yashoda Gupta (Mamta's Mum)


Radish planting in a small garden is really worth it. You can not only eat radish as roots, raw and cooked in various ways (type in Mooli in the search window here and see), you can eat its leaves in salad and as a Stir Fry, in Parathas etc., you can even make a lovely stir fry bhaji from its tender green seed pods. In India, these pods are grown and sold specifically for this purpose and they come in all shapes and sizes. You can use any basic Bhaji recipes, here I have used the one by my late mum Yashoda.

If you grow vegetables, try growing some mooli/radish. Once you have harvested the roots, cut of leaf end with a little bit of the root and insert it in the ground again. It ill take root. Let it flower and form seed pods. Pick while still tender. Or leave a few mooli plants to one side, then let them seed. Pick pods while still tender. Or buy at Indian store.

Serves 4 as part of a meal.


  • 200 gm. radish seed pods

  • 1 tbs. mustard oil

  • 1/2 tsp. carom seeds or ajwain

  • A small pinch of asafoetida powder or hing

  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric powder

  • Chilli powder to taste

  • Salt to taste

  • 1 tsp. amchoor or dry mango powder (or use kokum powder or juice of 1/4 lemon)

  • You can add 1 diced potato to this dish at step 3

  • You can also add a handful of roasted peanut to give this dish an extra crunch.


  1. Remove top and tail (stalk end) off the pods. Wash and towel dry.

  2. Heat the oil in a wok, add asafoetida/hing and carom seeds.

  3. When the seeds begin to crackle, add moongre, salt, chilli powder, turmeric and stir fry until pods look soft and shiny, approximately 8-12 minutes

  4. Serve hot with a Dal of choice and Chapatties or simply with Parathas and fresh yoghurt.

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