Mamta's Kitchen

Mint Raita 1, With Fresh Mint Leaves (Yoghurt)

Pudina ka Raita - 1

Abha Gupta


This is a popular raita in Indian homes, especially during the hot weather. Mint is known for it’s cooling properties. Also see Mint Raita, Like the Indian Restaurants and Take-Aways. Serves 4-6


  • 500 ml. fresh, natural yoghurt or dahi

  • A small bunch of fresh mint leaves. Amount depends on how minty you like it.

  • 1/2 tbsp. cumin seeds, dry roasted and coarsely ground

  • Salt to taste

  • 1/2 tsp. chilli powder/black pepper (optional)


  1. Beat yoghurt lightly

  2. Grind mint leaves to a paste.

  3. Add all other ingredients and stir well.

  4. Adjust seasoning to taste.

  5. Serve chilled with an Indian meal.


  • You can add finely chopped red onions/cucumbers/green chillies.

  • Also see Raita Selection.

  • If fresh mint is not available, you can make this raita with mint sauce or ground, bottled mint.

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