Mamta's Kitchen

Millet Flour Paratha with Fenugreek Leaves

Bajra aur Methi Paratha

Mamta Gupta


Bajra roti and paratha used to be eaten frequently in our house when I was growing up. It was one of my father's favourites. In UK, bajra or bajri flour is available from most Indian grocers. Keep it in the fridge or freezer to maintain freshness. Makes 8-10.


  • 2 cups bajra/millet flour

  • 1 bunch methi or fenugreek leaves

  • 1/2 inch piece ginger, peeled

  • 1-2 green chillies, to taste

  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt (to taste)

  • 1 tsp. carom seeds or ajwain

  • Boiling water

  • 1/2 cup millet flour for dusting, placed in a dinner size plate.

  • Oil for shallow frying


  1. Remove thick stalks of methi and wash thei leaves. Allow the water to drain out fully by leaving the leaves spread out on a towel for a few hours.

  2. Chop the leaves.

  3. Peel and grate the ginger.

  4. Chop the chillies finely. I place all three, methi leaves, ginger and green chillies in a food processor and chop them together.

  5. Place millet flour in a heat resistant bowl, add the chopped methi leaves, ginger, chillies, salt, carom seeds and mix well.

  6. Now add 2/4 cup of hot water and mix well with a fork.

  7. Wait a few minutes, until it is cool enough to handle and then knead to make a firm dough, adding more water, if needed.

  8. Keep aside for an hour or so.

  9. Place a pan or 'Tava' on heat. I have a gas cooker.

  10. Break dough off to make balls, one at a time, little larger than a golf ball. Roll each in flour.

  11. Roll out one ball at a time with gentle pressure, into a 10-12 cm or 5 inch disc. It should not be too thin, approximately 3/4 mm thick.

  12. Ease off the board gently, using a flat spatula (bajra tends to be a little sticky).

  13. Place on a hot frying pan or tava. After about a minute, turn over.

  14. Smear a little oil on both sides, using a small ladle or karchi. Cook on both sides, turning over from time to time, until it has a few brown spots on both sides and it is crisp.

  15. Cook all parathas in the same way.

  16. Serve hot with yoghurt, pickles and chutney. They are best served straight off the griddle/tava.


  • This paratha can be made without the methi leaves too. Spinach leave may be used as a substitute.

  • You can try adding grated onions, instead of methi leaves.

  • To make roti, cook exactly the same way, but without oil. Last part of cooking is easier directly on gas flame, using tongs to turn over. You can also cook them under a pre-heated grill.

  • If you are less experienced at making roties, you can roll out as follows: Split open a plastic sandwich bag. Place one oiled ball of dough on the centre of bottom layer of plastic. Cover with 2nd layer of plastic. Roll it out, through the plastic, into a 12 cm. circle. Peel the top plastic sheet off. Lift the bottom sheet with roti on it and gently peel roti off (it breaks easily). Place on a pre-heated tawa or griddle or a frying pan and cook as above.

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