Mamta's Kitchen

Watercress and Leek Soup

Jal-Khumbi and Leek Soup

Mamta Gupta


Leeks are not generally found in India. They look like very thick spring onions.

Serves 4-6


  • 3 large leeks

  • 2 bunches of fresh watercress leaves

  • 1 medium potato (to thicken). You can use corn flour instead

  • 1 1/2 pint vegetable or chicken stock

  • 1 tbs. olive oil or butter (or a mixture of both)

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash and chop leeks and watercress

  2. Wash, peel and chop potato.

  3. Heat oil in a pan and sweat all vegetables together.

  4. Add stock, bring to boil and cook until potatoes are cooked.

  5. Season with salt and pepper and liquidise coarsely in a blender.

  6. Serve hot with bread rolls.

  7. Also see Soup Selection.


  • To make a fat free version, pressure cook or boil all vegetables in a pan until soft. Then follow from step 5.

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