Mamta's Kitchen

Lime/Lemon and Ginger Drink

Neembu (Nimbu) aur Adrak Pani (Shikanjvi)

Sunita Gupta


A cool and refreshing drink and very easy to prepare. You can use lemonade in place of water, but traditionally, it is made with water. Serves 8-10

Keep forgetting to take a picture!


  • 6 lemons or limes

  • 100 gm. ginger (optional), peeled and roughly chopped

  • Sugar to taste (artificial sweetener can be substituted)

  • 2 litre water

  • Crushed ice

  • Optional

  • A few fresh mint leaves


  1. Extract juice from lemons/limes.

  2. Place juice, ginger, sugar and 1/2 litre water in a blender and liquidise.

  3. Strain, to remove any solids/fibres.

  4. Add remaining water, a cup at a time, until required sweetness and tartness is achieved (lemons vary in size and tartness).

  5. Use tall glasses, they look better. Put 3-4 cubes of ice in each glass, pour the prepared drink over it and decorate with a couple of mint leaves. Serve.


  • This drink can be made with salt and black pepper, instead of sugar.

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