Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Bhel Poori

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kennyliza, on 23/11/2006 08:26pm

Hi Mamta, a quick question: when I make bhel poori at home, the only thing I can't seem to get right is the sweet tamarind chutney sauce. It just doesn't taste the same as when you get it in the restaurants. It's supposed to be very sweet and very runny and watery, but when I make it, it always tastes tangy because of the tamarind.

I also add dates and goor to make it sweeter, but the taste is just not right...

any ideas?


Mamta, on 24/11/2006 06:49am

Hello Liza

Have to made it with this recipe; Tamarind Chutney?

It is possible that they are using a dirrent recipe. You can also try Maggi's ready made tamarind chutney, bottles of which can be bought from Indian and some Chinese grocers.


sneha, on 25/11/2006 01:54pm

hi can anyone tell the recipe for bhelpuri. its really yummy dish. havent tried it at home

Mamta, on 28/11/2006 05:11pm

Though not one of my favourite things to eat, it is quite easy to assemble. I have written it down for you Sneha. See; Bhelpuri

Sorry about the typing errors in my last reply, more than usual ;-), I was using a French keyboard, which has different keys!


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