Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Recipe for mince

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STEWANDDUMPLING, on 25/9/2006 03:56pm

Hi mamta, i am just wanting to make a basic keema, have you a simple recipe for me. Hopefully it will be as good as the tikka masala i made.

Kavey, on 25/9/2006 06:14pm

Stew, just follow the button above to the search page and enter "Keema" and you'll find a few different mince recipes. The basic one is Keema and Peas.

STEWANDDUMPLING, on 26/9/2006 01:44pm

Hi, tried the keemas from the recipe on here, although it did taste good, it kept drying up, i kept adding more water and of course spices etc when i added etc water, also today i have packed the remaining up to freeze and again its lacking in liquid. What is taling all the liquid???

Mamta, on 26/9/2006 10:15pm

Hello Stew

I can't understand why your keema is drying up, unless you are cooking it on very high heat? It doesn't have too much liquid in it, but should be moist. There is enough water from meat, tomatoes, onions and peas to keep it moist. I very seldom need to add extra water.


Kavey, on 26/9/2006 11:04pm

I've made it following the site recipe (I follow them to the letter as I don't have the experience to experiment with stuff like this on an instinctive level) and mine's turned out lovely and moist with plenty of liquid still in it...

Hmmm... not sure what the problem could be...

Ganders, on 27/9/2006 08:55am

Are you using fresh or tinned tomatoes? I tend to find that tinned tomatoes carry more liquid than fresh ones

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