Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Stuffed Green Peppers

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Sneha, on 23/9/2006 03:56pm

am goin to make Green Peppers, Stuffed. i plan to cook the stuffed peppers in microwave. do i need to add water/oil to microwave dish. what should be the temp setting of microwave

Mamta, on 23/9/2006 07:11pm

Hello Sneha

The simple answer to your question is that I don't know. I don't like 'cooking' food in microwave, it never tastes the same. Green peppers cook so quickly in a pan or kadhai that it is hardly worth using a microwave. You can steam the partly, say for 5 minutes, in a microwave and then cook them in a kadhai. this will reduce cooking time.


STEWANDDUMPLING, on 25/9/2006 04:08pm

Hi, i did stuffed peppers the other night, red ones, i just par boiled them for about 5 minutes, stuffed them, then cooked in the oven for about 10 - 15 mins, they were delicious, my oh demolished his.

Phil, on 26/9/2006 02:25am

i do a Chinese stuffed pepper dish, with black bean sauce added. I can see the advantage of par-boiling, but what I do is put the stuffed peppers face-down in oil and then add a little water and cover the frying pan. That creates a steaming effect. I need a slow cook for this, since the stuffing is pork and Chinese mushrooms. Given the stuffing, I don't want par-boiling (which I think really means pre-boiling).

So it depends on what you have in the stuffing.


Phil, on 26/9/2006 02:37am

By the way, stuffed peppers, and stuffed vegetables in general, are a good way of dealing with a mixed bunch of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dinner guests: you can do one kind of stuffing for one lot os guests, and a different one, containing meat, for the others. That way, everyone has a sense of hav ing 'the same dish', while sticking to their preferences.

I'm not a vegetarian, but one has to cater for vegetarian friends. This is a good way of doing that.


Sneha, on 26/9/2006 12:39pm

I tried stuffed green peppers last night for dinner. wow it was very yummy dish. didnt preboil the peppers. i just stuffed raw peppers nd cooked for 10 minutes in a pan.

once agn thanks to Mamta

fclara, on 4/10/2006 07:01am

Please send me recipe for kheema stuffed capsicum. Thanks, Clara

Mamta, on 4/10/2006 07:14am

Make Keema, making sure that it is not runny, quite dry, and stuff your peppers with it. Cook in a wok/kadhai or oven as for vegetable stuffed peppers. Some people add a little bit of rice, to the stuffing, which makes it more filling.

I will get around to writing this recipe one day, may be later today. Otherwise it will have to wait for a while!


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