Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Gol Gappa / Pani Poori

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kennyliza, on 3/9/2006 07:26pm

Hi Mamta,

just a quick question about the jal-jeera water for pani poori, your recipe asks for some roasted cumin and some not-roasted.

I was wondering why the non-roasted cumin was necessary - what does it add to the flavour?

Many thanks


Ganders, on 4/9/2006 03:34pm

I'm reliably informed that the two flavours are very different, which is why both are in the recipe.

Kavey, on 6/9/2006 11:14am

Yup... as you roast cumin a very different aroma is released. The taste changes too.

Mum's away at the moment but I have made recipes with roast cumin myself recently and was struck by how much this ingredient does change on roasting.

kennyliza, on 7/9/2006 03:48pm

i made the pani poori last night and i have to say it was a tremendous hit with my guests. the flavour is exactly as it should be.

many thanks.

Mamta, on 16/9/2006 11:19am

Hello Liza

Pete and Kavey have already answered your question, I note. Yes, they both have different flavours and add to the end result.


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