Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Indian Cookery in Texas Thanks to Sia

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Phil, on 14/8/2006 02:12am

Thanks to Sia for putting us on to a website with details of Indian grocery stores in Austin, Texas, where we're living for five months.

We've tracked down one so far, and it was wonderful. They even had FRESH curry leaves, which we haven't had since our days in Newcastle Upon Tyne, over a decade ago (though the dried ones are good, I find)

The USA beats France (where we live) for Indian ingedients by a very long chalk. And I suspect that this is true for Chinese ingredients too. The reasons are mostly historical, I guess, but I'm struck by how conservative most French people are about culinary traditions they aren't familar with.


Mamta, on 14/8/2006 07:07am

Hello Phil

We Indians are everywhere! Perhaps French are where English were 40 years ago. When I first came to UK, most people used to wrinkle their nose up at Indian food and look at them now! Also, England has Raj connections, and French do not. Anyway, I am glad you found the stuff.

I have tried some mail order stuff form the guy who is now recommended on this site. He does send stuff quite fresh. Perhaps you could order it by mail from France, if not the price is right. You could always negotiate and order for a few friends together.

best wishes.


Phil, on 14/8/2006 08:46pm

Thanks, Mamta

We might try that mail order company once we get back to France, though we have visitors from the UK at various points in the year who bring spices for us. Sounds like it could be good for the british ex-pat in Tenerife.

The odd thing about the French is that they have historical connections with Indo-China, but their version of cooking from that area is utterly bland. Perhaps the explanation is that the French have such strong culinary traditions of their own that there's no room in their outlook for something from outside of France (we c ouldn't even get French friends to eat gaspacho recently, and that's from a neighbouring country!)


sia, on 18/8/2006 02:10am

hello phil,

its great to know that i could be of good help to you!!!

I hope u are enjoying ur time in texas...

Phil, on 18/8/2006 11:06pm

Hi Sia

Austin is fantastic! The people are really friendly, and the foodstores are interesting: Indian, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.


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