Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Sugar Syrup

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Mary, on 27/5/2006 05:25pm

Just surfed in, I was looking for a receipe for sugar syrup to make fresh lime sodas, what the best ratio of sugar to water. I dont like it when you just use granulated sugar as it does not dissolve.

Also there more India recepies I found at if anyone is interested.


AskCy, on 30/5/2006 09:41pm

making syrup is not something I do to be honest (in fact making anything sweet is few and far between) but can't you make syrup without the water at all, just heat sugar ? (or would that be too thick?)

Mamta, on 31/5/2006 06:46am

Without water, it will not be a syrup. It will set and make a 'brittle'.


AskCy, on 31/5/2006 02:53pm

I'm sure I've seen it done without water, but maybe they added a knob of butter once it was melted ?

Mamta, on 8/5/2022 09:13pm

May be you are right Steve, but I always thought that if you melt sugar without water, it will set and make a brittle, as soon as it cools down.

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