Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - meethe pare

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sia, on 15/5/2006 06:33am

hello mamta,

i have some meethe pare,that i got from india..a couple of months back...

i hate to discard they are home made...

how much shelf life do these things have?

can u suggest some thing that i can do with them...

Mamta, on 15/5/2006 09:07am

Hello Sia

If you keep them in an airtight bag in your freezer, they will last indefinitely. They are ready to be eaten, as a snack. I am not sure what else you can do with them.

They are basically sweet 'short crust' type of pastry squares, that have been fried instead of being cooked in the oven and then coated in 3 wire syrup. see


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