Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - naan bread

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onlytaste, on 2/5/2006 11:20am

why use self-raising flour AND yeast and yogurt in the making of naan bread?

What effect does each of this have on the result?

thank you, I really want to understand.

P.S. for garlic and coriander, do you use fresh garlic? on top or inside the dough?

Mamta, on 2/5/2006 02:58pm

Well, traditionally naans are made from plain flour, yeast and yoghurt. I use SR flour or flour + baking powder, to make it rise better and faster. You don't have to, as the recipe says. If you can give the dough longer time to rise or live in a warm country or have a warm place you can leave the dough or have a bread maker, you should be okay.

I always use fresh garlic and fresh coriander leaves. It is only on rarely that I use garlic powder, garlic salt or bought garlic paste. So, the answer to your questions is yes.

Incidentally, I have been making naans on a frying pan/tawa, just like a Kulcha

and they come out quite well.

onlytaste, on 9/5/2006 05:27pm

this is what I get when I use crushed garlic. When is it best to add it?

Mamta, on 10/5/2006 06:21am

You can add it to the dough, though some people do brush it as garlic butter.


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