Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Flavour without the heat

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Tom, on 30/3/2006 12:53am

Hi everyone,

Just want to say i have just served the Mums chicken curry recipie to my friends and they all loved it!!

Loads of flavour without burning your mouth out.

They all say it's the best curry that they have had, so if you want a curry with loads of flavour but without the heat this is the one for you, try it you won't be disapointed.

Mamta, on 30/3/2006 06:11am

Thank you!

Mum (Mamta)

AskCy, on 4/4/2006 04:49pm

I much prefer curry (and food in general) to be a pleasure rather than a test of endurance and might...

It takes good knowledge and delicate hand to make a beautiful blend of herbs and spice to make the pallete sing... any fool can add a handfull of chilli powder and make the mouth burn....

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