Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - chicken tikka garlic

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lauren, on 21/3/2006 02:09pm

hi there, has anyone heard of this meal, its called Chicken Tikka Garlic and i got it when i went for an indian takeaway. how do i make it, does anyone know?

thank you,

AskCy, on 21/3/2006 09:29pm

Not heard of it around here, but maybe its Chicken Tikka with extra garlic?

What did it look like, smell like, taste of.. can you remember if the menu had a decription on ?

might help to find it etc...

Mamta, on 22/3/2006 09:05am

Hello Lauren

The problem with identifying many dishes we eat in restaurants is that they make minor alterations to a dish, and give it a name of their choice. Often they name a dish after a place, like Darjeeling Chicken, or Munchurian chicken and so on.

I would suggest that you take Askcy's suggestion and try the Chicken Tikka recipe at, with double or triple the amount of garlic.


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