Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Growing Bitter Gourd in the UK

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Andrew, on 8/4/2022 11:36pm

Hi Mamta, have you ever tried growing bitter gourd outside in the UK? I've just bought some seeds for it and will be giving it a try this year.

Mamta, on 9/4/2022 07:08am

Hello Andrew

Karela, Bitter Gourd, grows in the intense summer heat in northern India, 40-45C. My father used to grow it in his garden. I would be surprised if it dies well outside in UK outside a greenhouse. But since you have already got seeds, you might as well try growing them in a south facing, well drained soil. Please do bear in mind that I am not a gardener, just someone who has live of gardening.

Good luck


Andrew, on 21/4/2022 01:10am

It will be interesting to see how they do. I sowed six seeds last week and three have germinated thus far. I'm hoping to grow four plants, two in containers and two in the ground. I'll let you know how they get on. Your recipe for bitter gourd bhaji with tamarind is still the best I've ever tried.

Rohan, on 27/11/2022 04:46am

Andrew, did you have any luck with your bitter gourd seeds?

Andrew, on 4/6/2023 03:27am

Hi. I had good germination rates on the seeds. I germinated them in a heated propagator and they took about five days. The plants grew well but unfortunately they only produced a few small fruits. I tried growing them up a trellis, but the tendrils didn't grip onto it very well. So I covered the trellis with some netting and they gripped onto that much better. I'm not growing any this year but I may give them another try next year. My mum stole my best and biggest fruit because it reminded her of a hedgehog lol.

Mamta, on 6/6/2023 12:33pm

Hello Andrew

It is hard to grow bitter gourd in cold countries, it is a summer vegetable in India, growing in intensely hot months. It might do okay in a greenhouse here, if summer gets really hot like last year.

They are available at Indian grocers fresh all the year around. Also available frozen from some shops.


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