Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Healthy Breakfast Ideas ??

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Jessica, on 27/1/2021 08:24am

Breakfast is a key to success in a whole day. Give you energy and confidence at every step. But if the breakfast is not healthy, then you will be a sleepy person on all occasions. So, share your thoughts and opinions about healthy breakfast, what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and where to eat?

I am from Las Vegas.

Thanking you

Mel, on 27/3/2021 10:24pm

I like kichadi with sauteed (in ghee) mixed greens mixed in. Or cream of wheat with slivered almonds and raisins sauteed with cardamom in ghee.

Mamta, on 28/3/2021 08:05am

For me, porridge or bran flakes, each with a few raisins or half a banana and chilled milk (no sugar), or a toast of home-made bread, with low sugar marmalade, sometimes with a sunny side up egg.


Martin, on 3/7/2021 08:49pm

I have a yoghurt, small bowl of cereal and a glass of fruit juice. Mid morning is a cream of tomato cup soup with a third of a teaspoon of Mai Siam Tom Yum Soup. Lunch is always an oily fish salad. Bed time drink is Potato & Leek Cup soup with a generous sprinkling of Green Tabasco Sauce. Curry 2-3 times a week, boring English meals the rest of then time!


Mamta, on 4/7/2021 06:18am

I love oily fish but don't eat it often enough; must try harder!

You have no dinner Martin?


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