Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Methi seeds rice

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Megha, on 19/7/2020 05:38am

Hi, read you methi seeds rice recipie. Looks yum and very similar to an elusive tasting of the dish I'd had many years ago. I had tried making this in the past too (another variation of the same), but the rice turned out very bitter. Do you have any tips to ensure this doesnt happen?

Many thanks!

Mamta, on 19/7/2020 06:04am

Hello Megha

Re: Methi rice

I am not sure which recipe you are talking about from this website.

Methi seeds turn very bitter if burnt during ‘tarka’. That may be the reason for your rice turning bitter.


Megha, on 19/7/2020 07:05am

Thanks for the prompt reply Mamta! And sorry for the miscommunication- it was some other recipe iw as recommended- not from your website :)

I'll keep your advise in kind and try it out exactly as per your recipe this time! Fingers crossed!

Also, do you think we could get a similar flavoring with a day's old sprouted methi Dana?

Mamta, on 19/7/2020 02:48pm

I have not tried the germinated methi seeds for tarka/tempering, so cant answer this question. Sorry!


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