Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Sponge cake

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Mishkat Habib , on 18/6/2020 10:14pm

Can i use brown sugar instead of caster sugar?

Mamta, on 18/6/2020 10:26pm

Yes Mishkat, generally you can. If it is coarse, you may have to grind it to fine sugar. If your sugar is of a darker brown Colour, your cane may look darker, but not so much if it is golden brown.


Mishkat Habib , on 19/6/2020 10:10am

Thanks! Can I also substitute the plain flour with whole wheat flour? And if so, do I have to make any further changes to the recipe?

Mamta, on 19/6/2020 10:45pm

Sorry, I have not made one with whole wheat flour, so can’t comment.


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