Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Chicken Coronation

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(unknown), on 2/10/2019 10:40pm

I don't use 'curry powder' in my food, except for Coronation Chicken. A dish developed for the coronation of Elizabeth II. It comprises cooked chicken, mayonnaise, curry powder and apricots (usually dried). Great as a sandwich, which is usually how I have it. But today we had to go down to the Devon coast to deliver some stock, and I needed a salad-type meal after such a glorious day out. So popped into Aldi stores (just down the road from home) and bought some chicken fillets (the small bits which are part of the breasts). I fried these, then thought I would add the 'curry powder' while frying. After cooling a little, added the other ingredients. Both my partner and I proclaimed it a great success. Had it with three salads: beetroot, avocado and a general salad of usual suspects, but including apple and black grapes. Like you, Mamta, I like fruit in salads.

ps the cat liked it as well!

Mamta, on 3/10/2019 07:38am

Sounds delicious 😋

I am glad you had a nice picnic


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