Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Lamb curry made with pre fried onions in a pressure cooker

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(unknown), on 17/8/2019 11:15am

Hi Mamta, made this the other day and have to say just how much I enjoyed it.

My question is I want to make a bigger batch say using a kilo of meat instead of 500gms, do I just double everything else up?


Mamta, on 17/8/2019 06:38pm

Hello TC

In theory, you should doubke, like you would for a cake. In practice, if you double the amount of say meat, you would need less than double generally, say 1 and 3/4. But it tastes fine with double the sauce too.

I do most of my cooking in every day life without measuring. So if I am adding water to the sauce of double the amount of meat, I would add a bit at a time, go by how it looks.

For adding chillies, I always add less than the recipe says, because you can always add more, but can't take them out.

Hope this helps.

(unknown), on 17/8/2019 08:57pm

Thankyou Mamta, that's what I thought, Using your recipe produces a lovely curry hence I want to make double next time.

Mamta, on 18/8/2019 09:21am

I often make double or triple or quadruple curry sauce and freeze it in jam jars. Then take one out and make fresh curry.

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