Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - recipe:13784] Scotch Boiled Eggd

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Piers, on 28/4/2019 12:24am

Couple of tips Steve

1) Add baking powder to the eggs whilst boiling them, they become easier to peel

2) Before encasing the egg in the meat, dust it in flour, which helps it stick and prevents splitting.

3) Once you've breadcrumbed once, repeat the egg and breadcrumb process

You'll have curried Scotch eggs like never before

Mamta, on 28/4/2019 06:17am

I will have to try this 🙂

Helen Bach, on 29/4/2019 04:20pm

could try Panko breadcrumbs. Japanese, but well worth a try. I do all my breadcrumbing with Panko these days. Never fails...

Mamta, on 30/4/2019 07:01am

I had never heard of these Helen, so just looked up. This is from SPENDwithPENNIES Website;

"What are Panko Bread Crumbs?

The name panko translates to the Portuguese term “pan†meaning “breadâ€, and the Japanese term “ko†meaning “made fromâ€.

They are essentially just a type of bread crumbs, traditionally used in Asian-style dishes to provide a light breaded coating to your dish.

They have recently gained a ton of popularity in western culture because the panko flakes tend to stay crispier longer than traditional bread crumbs.

Panko bread crumbs are processed in differently than regular ones, resulting shard-like flakes of bread crumbs rather than tiny grains."

I wonder if the effect will be same if fresh breadcrumbs are dried in my very hot conservatory or very low heated oven!

Helen Bach, on 30/4/2019 12:48pm

hello Mamta,

I think the important word there is 'shard'. Because of the shape of the crumb, it provides a crispier product. I often do fish or chicken goujons, for which the panko breadcrumbs gives me a very crispy coating, even shallow fried. I make a seasoned flour to coat the meat with first, then an egg wash, and finally the Panko.

Do try some, they are not expensive, and keep well, too.

Mamta, on 1/5/2019 06:57am

I will, it is on my shopping lest. Thanks Helen.

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