Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Need tips on freezing food

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Santosh mahdeley, on 19/9/2020 12:45pm

I m planning to open pakoda junction. Need to know. How can I freeze fried pakoda in freezer for 1 month kindly advice me. Thank you

Mamta, on 20/9/2020 07:15am

Hello Santosh

What s Pakora Junction? Will you be serving hot pakoras? Difficult to offer advise without knowing your set-up.

Pakoras are always served best straight from the pan, hot and crisp, if you are planning to serve fresh, like in a tea and pakora shop.

If you have to freeze them, cook them halfway then cool and freeze. You must re-fry them before serving, to give them the crispness that is essential to any good pakoras.

Tell me more details, then I may be able to answer properly.


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