Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Tindora/Ivy gourd

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AspiringCook, on 17/6/2017 05:53am

Hi! I bought some frozen tindora, and the lady at the store told me some guidelines for cooking it. I sautéed some black mustard seeds and cumin in some butter (didn't have ghee at the time), and then added ginger and garlic. After that had browned I added some canned diced tomatoes and red chili powder and cooked it for awhile. Then I added the rinsed tindora and some jaggery, tamarind, and curry leaves and a bit of salt. The problem is, I've cooked it for quite awhile longer but the tindora is still crunchy. The sauce has cooked down until the mixture is somewhat dry, but while it tastes nice, the tindora aren't tender.

Is it just a matter of cooking it longer, or have I done something wrong in the method?

Thanks in advance!

Mamta, on 17/6/2017 06:31am

Hello AspiringCook

Tindora is a tender vegetable, should cook fairly quickly. As it is a delicate vegetable, it is usually cooked very simply, with not too many additions. I am not sure what went wrong, it shouldn't take more than 20-25 minutes to cook them tender. Here are a couple of recipes from my two friends, who cook it regularly;

Tindora 1

Tindora 2.

AspiringCook , on 17/6/2017 07:03am

Thank you Mamta! I appreciate your reply.

I will just throw this batch out and try again with one of the recipes you sent. :)

Mamta, on 17/6/2017 12:03pm

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