Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Pinjiri - too much!

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MK, on 10/1/2006 07:17am

Hi there,

My darling mother made me more than 1kg of pinjiri when I gave birth to my baby recently. I am finding it difficult to eat this delicious but rich nut mixture on it's own, let alone get through the volume that she made.

Would anyone have any creative dessert or other recipes that I could use it in?

Many Thanks.

Mamta, on 10/1/2006 09:24am

I presume you are talking about Gond panjeerior something similar ?

You lucky girl! One doesn't have to be lactating ;-) to enjoy it, share it with your friends :-).


MK, on 10/1/2006 08:37pm

Hi Mamta,

Yes, it's similar, except it isn't deep fried and contains only nuts and spices (and a bit of ghee and sugar). It's dry.

I was hoping to convert it into a creamy dessert to share with friends. Only I have no idea about quantities of cream or fruit or chocolate or other ingredients to add, and if to bake or set in the fridge. It is impossible for me to eat it all on it's on, mainly because of it's texture (turns gummy in the mouth) and I suspect my friends would find the same.

Any ideas?



MK, on 10/1/2006 08:37pm

Hi Mamta,

Yes, it's similar, except it isn't deep fried and contains only nuts and spices (and a bit of ghee and sugar). It's dry.

I was hoping to convert it into a creamy dessert to share with friends. Only I have no idea about quantities of cream or fruit or chocolate or other ingredients to add, and if to bake or set in the fridge. It is impossible for me to eat it all on it's on, mainly because of it's texture (turns gummy in the mouth) and I suspect my friends would find the same.

Any ideas?



Mamta, on 10/1/2006 09:09pm

I don't know if you can make anything else from it. If it turns 'gummy' in your mouth, it seems like that it was not fully fried before being made into a panjeeri or it was not a good enough quality gum to start with. Gum swells up to double the size, or more, when fried. Uncooked gum becomes very sticky in the mouth. Check with your mum. If there is a problem with the gum, it is better not to eat it. I wouldn't recommend wasting any other ingredients to try to improve it.


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