Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Logon link

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AskCy, on 8/1/2006 10:57pm

Just noticed a LOGON button which gives you a space for your name and one for a password... however there isn't anything to actually register/setup your name and password... is this still being worked on or am I missing it somewhere?

thanks Steve

Ganders, on 9/1/2006 11:21am

At the moment the only logins are for administrators (Mamta and us) - the only thing that having a user id would give you is that you wouldn't have to fill in your name when posting on the forums.

We're working on some big changes that will make that button a lot more significant, but to keep you in suspense I'm not going to go into more detail than that - just to say that we're pretty excited about it all :-)

Pete the Codemonkey

AskCy (having to, on 9/1/2006 09:10pm

LOL thanks for that Pete...

can't wait to see whats going on...

Kavey, on 10/1/2006 01:03am

I know you must be thinking we're just all talk and it's never gonna happen but because it's an ambitious change (even Mamta doesn't know the extent of it) it's just sooo slow - we're not doing it full time obviously as it's not paying.

BTW you'll be called upon to help us with some beta stuff, though not just yet, so you'll get to find out a little before the public anyways! :P

AskCy, on 10/1/2006 08:57pm

Far from it, I know what its like trying to juggle jobs with sorting sites etc.. far more to it than meets the eye..

can't wait to see the results ...

let me know what you want beta'ering :-)

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