Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Fish from Indian Ocean

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Mamta, on 18/12/2005 08:53am

I have just bought a 2 kg. fish from a local Bangladeshi grocer shop. It is a type of carp, Labeo calbasu. Their freezers were full of so many lovely looking fish varieties and very reasonably priced. Bangladeshis are mainly fish eaters. It is frozen, but looks quite good. I have to admit that because there are so many Indian and Pakistani shops around here to choose from, I had never looked in their freezers before, until a friend told me to. If you have a local shop that is run by Bangladeshis, take a look next time you go shopping.

I am planning to cook it whole, probably just marinated and then oven cooked. Any new recipe ideas that I don't already have on this site?


Angela, on 6/1/2006 01:21pm

Hello Mamta and family

I love your site.

I also love fish! I will check out our local 'Indian' grocer on my next visit. I am sure he said he is from Sylhet, which is in Bangladesh, isn't it?


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