Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - A fix for overcooked ghee?

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neha, on 13/6/2018 03:58am

Scarier u read your remedy of burning ghee. same as u also happened with me. plz tell me how u should use garlic and curry leaves for removing burn smell. plz tell me clearly

Mamta, on 14/6/2018 06:19am

neha, I have never tried it myself, but it seems that you simply add curry leaves and garlic to ghee and leave it. For me, smell of garlic and curry leaves replacing the burnt smell, even if that was possible, wouldn't work I use ghee, where I like the smell of ghee, not of garlic and curry leaves.

Dr Gayatri Bhara, on 16/12/2020 04:57pm

Add turmeric leaf or cloves while making ghee adds an awesome aroma to it

Hamida, on 20/7/2022 04:59pm

I was pleased by your suggestion

Do we have to cook again after adding curry leaves and garlic

Mamta, on 20/7/2022 05:32pm

Hello Hamida

I have personally not tried making burnt ghee good and don’t know if it will work. For me, once ghee is burnt, it is only good for the bin. Whatever you cook in it will smell of it. But if works for you, please come back and tell me.


Owon , on 23/9/2022 03:04am

I made perfect gold ghee, then set some aside after it solidified. I heated this higher at med heat for 5 minutes for a perfect tan color and nutty flavor. just a tip from me for anyone who wants a brown ghee.

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