Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Stamna (Beef with Cinnmon)

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AskCy, on 1/10/2005 05:06pm

I've had people making it from the recipe and one person even took a picture and sent it to me..

This is great to see that when you have worked a recipe and put it on the net, it comes out pretty much as it should do when someone uses it..

I made it again recently -

and this is one that someone else made and sent the picture -

AskCy, on 1/10/2005 05:06pm

should be an 'A' in cinnamon...oops

Mamta, on 1/10/2005 05:09pm

We knew what you were talking about Steven ;-)!

AskCy, on 1/10/2005 05:16pm

Normally I would edit rather than looking like I can't spell (not that I can.. )

Ha Ha

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