Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - A question from Gayatri

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Mamta, on 5/9/2005 09:46pm

Modak/laddoo recipes?

Dear Mamtaji,

I found your website very impressive and extremely useful. However I don't

seem to be able to find a recipe for "Modaks". Since Wednesday in Ganesh

Chathurti I was hoping to do some Modaks. I do hope you would be able to

post the recipes....many thanks.


Mamta, on 5/9/2005 09:49pm

Hi Gayatri

It is a long time since I have heard anyone call a laddoo 'modak'! As Ganesha is a Modak/laddoo loving God, I can understand your desire to make them for His birthday. The recipes that I have on my site are:

1. Sesame seed laddoo

2. Besan laddoo

3. Churma laddoo &

4. Gond laddoo

5. Peanut or moongphali laddoo

6. Semolina laddoo

Take your pick!

As this is an interesting question and may be useful to other Hindus, I will post it on the forum, in case someone else is also looking for recipes.

Best wishes


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