Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Koftas

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Caroline, on 26/8/2005 05:06pm

I want to try some kofta recipes, but am not keen on deep frying. Would it be ok to fry them in a frying pan, if I made them slightly flattened?

Kavita, on 26/8/2005 09:19pm


Mum's away at the moment but I can't think of any reason why this wouldn't work - make sure there is enough oil to shallow fry them and enough heat that they do cook through.

You'll find that with these kind of family recipes all families have variations on ingredients as well as on cooking methods and so it can definitely be worthwhile experimenting.

Do report back and let us know how you get on?


Caroline, on 29/8/2005 01:10pm

Thankyou, Kavita. I won't be trying immediately, but I will let you know eventually!

Kavita, on 30/8/2005 10:42am

We look forward to hearing about it... in the meantime let us know how you get on with any other MK recipes!

Mamta, on 4/9/2005 04:52pm

Hello Caroline

This is something I have learnt fairly recently, from my big brother and his wife; you can make koftas in a microwave. When making the kofta mix with vegetables and besan etc., add 1 tsp. of oil (this conducts microwaves through the body of the koftas). Then make koftas as normal, place on a microwave dish and cook for 2.5 to 3 minutes, at around 800 power. Reduce time if your micro3ave is of a higher power.



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