Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Which vegetables to buy

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delacey68, on 14/1/2007 05:17pm

Hello Mamta

As a Westerner with a couple of great Indian Supermarkets near me i am keen to cook with the vegetables on display. However i have no real idea what some of them are and what they would be used for, and how they would be cooked. So i tend just to buy my Ginger, Garlic and Chillies there and would love to be more adventurous. Any ideas?


Mamta, on 20/1/2007 02:36pm

Hello delacey68

It is difficult to say which ones you will like. How about trying them one by one? Some of the commonly sold Indian vegetables in UK are;

Lauki or dudhi=bottle gourd

Bhindi= Okra or ladies fingers

Parwal/parval= Wild Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes dioica), a small cucumber like vegetable

Arbi/arvi=Colocacia. a root vegetable like yam, but smaller

Baingan=large and small brinjals or aubergines

Mooli=white radish root and leaves

Sarson ka saag=Mustard leave

Methi saag=fenugreek leaves

Chowllii saag=amaranth leaves

Gwar ki phali=Indian flat bean

Tori or turai=Indian courgette

Tinda=little, round gourds, look like small green apples

Tindora=small, geen 'bullet' shaped vegetables

Turnip and turnip leaves

Sem=Indian flat beans, much wider and flatter

Lobia or Lobhia or Chowli=Indian cowpeas or black eyed beans. These are long and thin snake like beans, sold in bundles

Other, less common ones are;

Kamal kakari or lotus root

Zimikand or jimikand= Elephant’s ear, Indian yam

For recipes, look under 'search' section of this site.


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