Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Banana cake with coconut-recipe wanted

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Mamta, on 30/11/2006 07:02am

I have lost this recipe from my site. I had typed it incorrectly, as pointed out by one of the users of the site. Therefore, I deleted it, until I could re-write it. It was a good recipe, giving a moist, tasty cake. Someone had given it to me, I can't remember who and can't find the slip of paper it was written on :-(! Desiccated coconut was lightly toasted and added to the batter, as well as sprinkled on the greased tin, to give it a coconut coating.

I don't know when I will get around to testing things again! If anyone makes such a cake, please share your recipe with all of us.


Ganders, on 30/11/2006 09:50am

You should have asked me - I do keep backups of this thing you know!

I'll try and resurrect the recipe later today...

Mamta, on 30/11/2006 01:20pm

Thanks Pete, but I deleted it intentionally because it was incorrectly/incompletely written and I was not able to remember or find the original piece of paper on which it was written. I would be surprised if you have the complete recipe on your bank, it needs to be re-written from scratch.


AskCy, on 30/11/2006 04:54pm

It wasn't me as I'm only just branching into cake making (and mine is all done by guess work so I'm no help)...

AskCy, on 1/12/2006 08:49pm

Its a pity I don't have a sweet tooth or I'd experment like mad with cakes, sweets, biscuits..

(I'm guessing something like making a basic sponge mix (butter, sugar and flour using coconut milk and water to mix it) and then adding some mashed banana with a few tablespoons of desicated coconut to it.. mixing it all up... and then coating the tin you are baking in with coconut to create that crispy outer layer would be a start)

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