Mamta's Kitchen

Forum Thread - Recipes of the week

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AskCy, on 7/3/2007 12:45pm

Just noticed the "Recipes of the week" being

Greek Salad and Spinach and Feta Cheese Envelopes and I've just bought some Spinach and Feta Cheese pasties from LIDL (the supermarket chain) as our local one is having a big push on Greek Foods

I also got several tins of Stuffed Vine leaves, Anchovies and some tinned Octopus !

AskCy, on 7/3/2007 12:48pm

The recipe for the Spinach and Feta Cheese Envelopes says use puff pastry or make your own... has anyone ever made their own puff pastry and how successful was it ? I've looked at it but it seem a lot of work and might not work very well?


Ganders, on 7/3/2007 01:42pm

I don't know the answer, but I'm pleased to see supermarket chains are now synchronising their promotions with our recipes of the week :-)

AskCy, on 7/3/2007 02:28pm

LOL its about time to...

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