Mamta's Kitchen

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On 26/9/2006 10:12pm, Mamta posted:

As long as your daughter is not allergic to almonds and as long as you give it in a form that she can eat, she should be fine. Young children can sometimes choke on small nuts, so ground should be fine. If your daughter doesn't like the taste, don't give up, new tastes take time to learn. You can always add it to her milk, yoghurt (dahi) or other foods. The paragraph below is from a section called 'healing foods' that we are trying to write for this site;

"Amonds are considered very good in Ayurveda. They are a rich source of protein, calcium, antioxidants, folic acid,vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper and monounsaturated fat. Almond fat lowers LDL cholesterol and protects the heart from coronary heart disease. In India, they are considered to be a good brain food. During our school and college years, my mum used to give us 5 almonds each morning, soaked overnight, peeled and then ground on a stone. Their oil is used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy, mixed with other more potent oils. Because of their oil content, almonds can go ‘off’ if not kept in cool conditions. Store in the fridge or freezer.

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